Whole of Government Strategies & Approaches
A whole-of-government (WofG) strategy or approach has public service ministries and agencies working across portfolio boundaries to achieve a shared goal and an integrated government response to specific issues. Approaches can be formal and informal. They can focus on policy development, program management and service delivery. WofG processes may be broadly and comprehensively applied, or may be highly specific, or targeted. WofG processes may be informal or formal. That is, they may either carry authority or consist of nothing more than a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’. In this summary, we define a whole of government approach as a decision and action plan that requires government ministries and their agencies and employees to coordinate their policies, programs and services. Other terms have been used to capture the same idea of WofG approaches. These include “joined-up government” actions and “horizontal management”. The term has been applied to a wide variety of social and economic programs and initiatives. A United Nations paper on WofG approaches notes that this harmonization of government efforts requires: strong leadership, policy and mandate coordination, the capacity to bring together all departments and key stakeholders, the appointment of a senior officials with authority on inter-ministry boundaries, the establishment of a coordinating body within government, the ability to overcome differences in visions, priorities and terminologies, interoperability of systems, personnel, funding mechanisms and more. A Whole of Government (WoG) approach should extend across and within all ministries concerned with the education, health & development of children, adolescents and young adults. Several systems changes are required to align and sustain these IPPCF frameworks. These include:
Please click on the "Encyclopedia Entry" and "Handbook Section" tabs found above on this web page for a description and discussion of these WoG practices and systems changes. This summary was first posted in January 2021 as a "first draft". We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below:. Text
This summary was first posted in June 2012. Currently it has been posted as an "excerpt/adaptation", "first draft" or "revised draft" and "first or revised edition" version..We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Due to the length of Handbook Sections (similar to a book chapter) prepared for this web site and knowledge exchange program, we post these documents as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the draft or completed version on this topic. Come back to this page to post any comments or suggestions.
This summary was first posted in June 2012. Currently it has been posted as an "excerpt/adaptation", "first draft" or "revised draft" and "first or revised edition" version..We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Bibliography/Toolbox on
Key research, reports and resources on this topic are highlighted below. Many of the topics in this web site also have extensive bibliographies/toolboxes (BTs) published as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the full version of our Bibliography/Toolbox on this topic. These lists use our outline for these collections that we have developed over several years of curating these materials.
The following additional resources are posted on this web site or published by other credible sources. Please send any suggested additions to i[email protected] |
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Mini-Blog on Common Topics &Terms Here is our list of topics for this section: - Introduction & Overview - Education Equity, Inclusion & Success- Multi-component Approaches (MCAs) - Core Components
- Staff Wellness - Student Conduct & Discipline - Engaging/Empowering Youth - Parent Participation - Community Involvement
- Learning/Behaviour Models (LBMs) - Behaviour & Learning Theories - Government/Inter-sector Actions & Levers
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