Education Equity, Inclusion & Success - Overview
Equity, inclusion and educational success for all children should be the primary values and goals for all education systems. These values and goals are clearly stated as the over-arching drivers of Goal #4 (Education) within the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals which states that all countries, UN agencies and others should "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". Indeed, the 2030 goal statement for education is similar to its predecessor 2000-2015 framework, Education for All.
As we review these goal statements, which are supported by all nations and UN agencies, we must note that some will argue that the concept of "excellence" needs to be added or juxtaposed with the goals/values of equity, inclusion and success for all. In other words, some will argue that education systems must also be the place where objective standards are used to identify better learners who can then go onto higher studies in universities while the other students are guided into different forms of post-secondary education and training or directly into employment. This encyclopedia suggests that this is a false dichotomy, since educational success for all students means that every student has the right to pursue the kind of excellence they deem to be worthy. And the prestige, resources and pathways to these different forms of success should be equitable and inclusive of all. This debate about the purposes of education is not new. And the debate will continue intro the generations that follow us. However, the terms used in these debates will change. We all need to be able to identify these terms and the explicit and implicit meanings of these terms. This encyclopedia has identified several such terms as societies face the challenges and opportunities which have been heightened by the Covid 19 pandemic of 2020-21. These terms and pedagogical strategies include:
This summary was first posted in February 2021 as a "first draft". The following individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this topic.We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Text
This summary was first posted in June 2012. Currently it has been posted as an "excerpt/adaptation", "first draft" or "revised draft" and "first or revised edition" version. The following individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this topic. We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Text
This summary was first posted in June 2012. Currently it has been posted as an "excerpt/adaptation", "first draft" or "revised draft" and "first or revised edition" version. The following individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this topic. We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Due to the length of Handbook Sections (similar to a book chapter) prepared for this web site and knowledge exchange program, we post these documents as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the draft or completed version on this topic. Come back to this page to post any comments or suggestions. Bibliography/Toolbox on
Key research, reports and resources on this topic are highlighted below. Many of the topics in this web site also have extensive bibliographies/toolboxes (BTs) published as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the full version of our Bibliography/Toolbox on this topic. These lists use our outline for these collections that we have developed over several years of curating these materials.
The following additional resources are posted on this web site or published by other credible sources. Please send any suggested additions to i[email protected] |
This Section: Common Topics or Terms
For updates and reader comments on this section, go to our
Mini-Blog on Common Topics & Terms Here is our list of topics for this section: - Introduction & Overview - Education Equity, Inclusion & Success
- Staff Wellness - Student Conduct & Discipline - Engaging/Empowering Youth - Parent Participation - Community Involvement/Ownership
- Learning/Behaviour Models (LBMs) - Behaviour & Learning Theories - Government/Inter-sector Actions/Levers