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Conferences and Workshops (In-Person & Virtual)
This page introduces the in-person and virtual conferences and workshops that ISHN and its partners have organized, facilitated or led. During the Covid 19 pandemic, we have suspended our in-person events but are pleased to note the growth of virtual events that save costs and the environment. See below for a list of the conferences and workshops held since 2007.
This page introduces the in-person and virtual conferences and workshops that ISHN and its partners have organized, facilitated or led. During the Covid 19 pandemic, we have suspended our in-person events but are pleased to note the growth of virtual events that save costs and the environment. See below for a list of the conferences and workshops held since 2007.
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
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Watch this space for updates about new events
Past Conferences and Workshops
Click on the titles below to read a summary of the event. Click on the web link within those summaries to access the full program descriptions
Click on the titles below to read a summary of the event. Click on the web link within those summaries to access the full program descriptions
Equity, Education, Health & Social Development: Part of the Bridge to a Sustainable Future Miami March 2020
This web-based panel session and series of webinars were part of the program of the 2020 world conference of the Comparative & International Education Society. The session was intended to be a panel presentation at the conference in Miami. FRESH Partners were pleased to organize this virtual session as part of that event and to highlight the work of FRESH Partners. Access the full session description.
School Health at Adolescent Health Conference, Delhi, 26-29 October 2017
ISHN was pleased to organize three activities as part of the 2017 World Congress on Adolescent Health, organized by the International Association for Adolescent Health, in Delhi, 26-29, October, 2017. Our partners in these activities included Plan International (UK), the Public Health Foundation of India and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India. These activities are part of the conference program and side meetings. They offered an opportunity to position school-based and school-linked health promotion within the context of global efforts to promote adolescent health, a timely and significant turn of events in the light of the global strategy on adolescent health being pursued by WHO and its partner UN agencies. Access the session description.
Integrating Health & Social programs in Education Systems Curitba Basil May 22-25, 2016
ISHN and the global organizations representing teachers, school administrators and education ministry officials have been engaged in a global dialogue on integrating health & social programs and approaches more effectively within the core mandates, constraints and concerns of education systems. The dialogue has been prompted by the ongoing significant challenges associated with the sustainability of multi-component approaches such as health promoting schools as well as by the opportunity of the related discussion being initiated by the health sector about ensuring health in all policies (HiAP). This workshop was held as part of the 2016 world conference of the International Union for Health Promotion & Education. Access the session description.
School Health Promotion & Development in the 21st Century Vancouver 4-6 March 2016
ISHN and FRESH Partners organized an online webinar as well as a workshop on research, surveys and practice in school health promotion and social development that were held just prior to the world conference on Comparative & International Education being held in Vancouver on 6-10 March, 2016. The webinar was held on 4 March and reported to the larger conference in a workshop on 6 March. Access the full session description.
School-based and School-Linked Health Services: Pathways towards Effectiveness, Efficiency & Partnerships with Educators London, 10-12 December 2015
School-based and School-Linked Health Services (SH Services) are a fundamental component of comprehensive approaches to promoting health and well-being through schools. Health systems in many jurisdictions around the world have seen the school as key setting or partner for the delivery of primary or preventive care to children and adolescents. Many studies of specific services have documented this strategy as being effective and efficient. ISHN partners with the the Institute for Excellence in Pediatrics (IEIP) convening global representatives from the health sector, including nurses, physicians, public health, health promotion, allied health professions, government ministries and others to examine recent reports, cost-effective models suitable to different contexts and potential pathways towards greater effectiveness, efficiency and partnerships. A knowledge development agenda will be developed through hands-on discussions. Access the session description
Continuing a Dialogue: Health & Social Programs Within Education, Ottawa, 15 November 2015
The purpose of this leaders forum was to continue a global dialogue on the integration of health and social programs within education systems (IntEd). This dialogue started in a 2013 symposium in Pattaya, Thailand and has continued through similar 2014 meetings in North America, Europe and among UN agencies/global organizations as well as online webinars and discussions. The dialogue is evolving differently in different contexts but stems from a global consensus statement which a growing number of organizations and individuals have endorsed. The reports on the first North American symposium are available starting on this web page.The core of the Ottawa forum will be an outline of a white paper identifying long term, realistic but transformative directions in policy, practice and systems. This forum will focus on some directions identified in the outline/white paper and other similar forums in different parts of the world will address other parts of the paper. Small international work groups on the directions and topics in the outline/white paper are being formed with the task of summarizing the potential of the proposed direction and identifying incremental policy and program steps as well as important challenges and opportunities related to the issue. Access the session description.
Integrating Health & Social Programs Within Education Systems: A Global Dialogue 1-3 June, Paris
This invitational forum was organized by Education International (EI) and the Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (ASCD), two global organizations representing teachers and school administrators, in cooperation with the education program of UNESCO and the International School Health Network (ISHN), The forum will gather together the leaders of global organizations and UN agencies to discuss on the challenge of integrating health, equity, social, sustainable development programs and multi-intervention approaches within the core mandates, constraints and primary concerns of school systems. The global forum is accompanied by a European discussion, one of several similar regional sessions that have been held in other parts of the world. The forum is open to anyone interested in this significant shift in thinking, knowledge development and action. A limited call has also been issued for experts and organizations who wish to participate as discussion leaders or discussants. Participation in this event in Paris can also lead to further involvement in other international activities.Moving the focus away from educators and individual schools, this forum will examine structural, systems-based, capacity-building and incremental strategies that help to overcome the barriers to sustainable, long term strategies that shift the thinking and policy-making in non-educational systems from that of asking educators to do more towards those systems re-considering their strategies to ensure that the necessary response to their specific issues/mandates are always part of a systems supporting partnership with education. A global consensus statement has captured the essence of this challenge and is being reinforced as more organizations and individuals endorse this new approach. Access the session description.
Assessments, Accomplishments, Anniversaries & Action in School Health Taipei, 14-15 NovEmber 2014
The school health movement emerged in many countries around the world in the late 1980's, with many countries formalizing their multi-intervention approaches and programs in the years that immediately followed. Two and half decades later, many countries are moving forward while some are re-assessing their approach. Remarkable progress has been made, despite the absence of high level policy commitments in many jurisdictionsThe International School Health Network is pleased to be working with the Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (ASCD), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Asia Regional Cross-Sectoral Network for School Health & Development and the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Taiwan to plan and help to organize an important international conference on school health promotion. Access the session description.
Integrating Health/Social Programs within Education: A Systems Approach (Baltimore, Mar 18-19, 2014)
Moving the focus away from educators and individual schools, this forum will examine structural, systems-based, capacity-building and incremental strategies that help to overcome the barriers to sustainable, long term strategies that shift the thinking and policy-making in non-educational systems from that of asking educators to do more to that of giving what they can. This profound shift needs to be more than health, social or other sectors simply providing advice to educators on programs but is actually asking those sectors to include ongoing commitments of staff time or other resources to help schools identify heath issues relevant to them and to develop long term plans linked to their school improvement objectives. This workshop continued a global dialogue which began in 2013. The workshop was organized by ASCD, and ISHN in cooperation with several American and Canadian organizations. It was held Held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Society for Public Health Education. Access the full event description here.
Contexts and Constraints: A Global Dialogue (Pattaya, Thailand, Aug 23-25, 2013)
There is an ever-increasing awareness that school health and development programs must take into account, even begin with, a deep understanding of the local community and country contexts that will determine the urgent health and social needs of students and the capacities of school, health and other systems to address these needs in an effective and sustainable manner. The Pattaya symposium addressed three specific contexts (high resource, conflict-affected and low resource countries) but also welcomed discussion on other contexts such as urban/rural communities, middle income countries, religious or affluent communities and others. Another emerging understanding is that school systems must first be concerned with their primary mandate to educate students as well as provide safe custody, help students explore different careers, encourage social development, and accredit students for future educational or training programs. These mandates as well as the prevailing social/professional norms and scarce time, human and financial resources means that schools will face a number of constraints in operating health and social development programs, many of which are introduced in response to urgent concerns about multiple health issues.The symposium developed a global consensus statement on how health & social programs can be integrated within the core mandates, concerns and constraints of education systems. The International School Health Network (ISHN) was pleased to have worked with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) to organize this symposium prior to the IUHPE Conference in Pattaya, Thailand. Access the complete event description here.
New Understandings, Better Integration, Sustainable Programs (Montreal, November 2011)
The Institut de la Sante Publique du Quebec (INSPQ), the Canadian Association for School Health (CASH), the International Union for Health Promotion & Education (IUHPE) and the International School Health Network (ISHN) were pleased to invite their colleagues from around the world to join them in discussing new approaches to school-based and school-linked health promotion, safety, social and sustainable development on November 28-29, 2011 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.The themes of the conference revolved around the new understandings that researchers and practitioners have developed over the past two decades. Key concepts and their applications such as context, complexity and capacity can lead to more effective integration of the core mandates of school , health and other systems so that programs and services delivered through the school milieu can be both effective and sustainable. Essentially, these new understandings tell us that SH promotion is more than simply implementing a program or set of programs in the setting of the school. Instead, school-based and school-linked health promotion is more about combining interventions at multiple levels in the systems, agencies and schools in order to improve the health (or safety or social cohesion) of the entire setting. Access the event description here.
Linking Health, Equity & Sustainability in Schools (Geneva July, 2010)
The health of human populations, equitable distribution of resources and the health of global ecosystems are inextricably linked and the need for fundamental changes in how we live is becoming impossible to ignore. Health promotion, equity and sustainable development are all relevant for schools, yet often they are being treated as different issues. Linking these parallel approaches is the aim of the international symposium in Geneva, Switzerland. A consensus statement on addressing disadvantages, disparities and determinants was part of the agenda for the event. This symposium was co-organized by the Swiss Health Promoting Schools Network/RADIX, Schools for Health in Europe and the International School Health Network on July 9-11, 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. Several other partners supported and participated in the event. Access the event description here.
Social Development & Mental Health: (Vancouver, Jun 8-10, 2007)
This Canadian and International Conference focused on the school’s role in promoting positive social development and mental health. The event was more than a conference, it created and strengthened partnerships among local agencies and other organizations; provided tool kits and other “take-away” materials and launched the Canadian School Health Knowledge Network. Further, the fortuitous timing with large international IUHPE conference and a WHO Technical Meeting enabled us to invite experts from over 50 countries who will participate in the sessions, lead workshops and display their materials. Access the event description here.