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This Section: Implement, Maintain, Scale-Up & Sustain Programs
Implement, Maintain, Scale up, Sustain (IMSS) - Traditional Planning, Mechanisms & Processes
Note: Each local situation will also have key local drivers & barriers that need to be addressed but are often ignored in research articles or planning manuals because they are different and specific to each situation and the individuals involved. These need to be addressed through strategic planning and are addressed in a separate but related set of summaries in this Encyclopedia. . They include; key people acting as decision-makers, gatekeepers, influencers and others; critical processes such as annual priority setting and budget-making; local issues that relate to the program; recent and significant incidents (such as a death or crisis) that have galvanized public, political and professional attention; the history of the issue, organization and community context as they relate to the program and existing relationships between the various partners, allies and competitors to the program.
This summary was first posted in June 2012 as a "first draft". These individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this series of IMSS topics: Carol MacDougal, Sandra Carpenter, Mary Shannon, Doug McCall. We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: An evidence-based, experience-tested tool or process should be used to conduct a through situation analysis. There are many evidence-based and experience-tested situational analysis tools available. Some address specific topics such school food and nutrition, some address other forms of school-based and school-linked programs generally and others have developed theories and models from other, broader sectors such as public health or education. The situation analysis should use an inclusive and participatory process when possible, being especially careful to engage the partners who will be involved in the comprehensive approach or program. The data collection process can include reviews of evidence, reports and surveys, specific and general consultations with stakeholders, the use of independent facilitators, ensuring a balance among researchers, practitioners and officials at various levels across the relevant sectors.
This summary was first posted in June 2021 as a "first draft". These individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this series of IMSS topics: Carol MacDougal, Sandra Carpenter, Mary Shannon, Doug McCall. We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Text
This summary was first posted in June 2012. Currently it has been posted as an "excerpt/adaptation", "first draft" or "revised draft" and "first or revised edition" version. The following individuals or organizations have contributed to the development of this topic. We encourage readers to submit comments or suggested edits by posting a comment on the Mini-blog & Discussion Page for this section or posting a comment below: Due to the length of Handbook Sections (similar to a book chapter) prepared for this web site and knowledge exchange program, we post these documents as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the draft or completed version on this topic. Come back to this page to post any comments or suggestions. Bibliography/Toolbox on
Key research, reports and resources on this topic are highlighted below. Many of the topics in this web site also have extensive bibliographies/toolboxes (BTs) published as separate documents. Click on this web link to access the full version of our Bibliography/Toolbox on this topic. These lists use our outline for these collections that we have developed over several years of curating these materials.
The following additional resources are posted on this web site or published by other credible sources. Please send any suggested additions to i[email protected] |
For updates and reader comments on this section, go to our Mini-Blog on Implement-Maintain-Scale Up-Sustain (IMSS)
(The number of summaries completed or drafted in this section are listed below) - Introduction to this section - IMSS Overview
- Current/Future IMSS Knowledge Development