Introduction to our Wiki-Summaries
Welcome to our introduction to our extensive collection of wiki-based summaries. This section is the heart of our web site aimed at exchanging knowledge based on evidence, experience and data. Each of the many topics summarized here are presented as Glossary Terms (GT), Encyclopedia Entries (EE), Handbook Sections (HS) or Bibliographies/Toolboxes (BT). Whenever we can, we adapt or use a summary published elsewhere and give credit and a citation. We have started experimenting with artificial intelligence (ChatGPT) to draft some Glossary Terms. We clearly identify this when we use AI in this way to begin the discussion of a topic. Glossary Terms (GT). We have developed these one-page summaries or "Glossary Terms" for several years as we have undertaken our many projects and activities. Unlike other glossaries which often simply define a term, we try to:
Encyclopedia Entries (EE): An Encyclopedia Entry" (EE) is about two-three pages in length. The entry offers a more elaborate summary, along with key research, reports and resources. Handbook Section (HS)" Our Handbook Section are similar to a book chapter in length. They provide more in-depth discussions and are intended, eventually, to be part of a book published or initiated by this Encyclopedia Bibliography/Toolbox (BT). As we work on various projects, we often collect or come across research, reports and resources such as policy of program guidance, educational materials and training documents. Whenever we can, we create a "Bibliography/Toolbox (BT) on the topic. These can be very extensive, as we often develop them from funded projects. Or they can simply be starter lists, looking to others to contribute other items. Additional Resources (AR) are also added to these summaries. These can included recorded webinars, info-graphics and other materials/ |
(Click on the collections of topics shown below to access the extensive number of summaries completed or drafted. Each collection has several Glossary Terms (GTs) and many have Bibliographies/Toolboxes (BTs) as well as lengthier Encyclopedia Entries (EEs) or Handbook Sections (HSs)