Outlines used for Summaries, Bibliographies & Case Studies/Stories in this Web Site
This page provides suggested outlines/guidelines for the glossary terms, encyclopedia entries, handbook sections, bibliographies/toolboxes and case studies/practice stories used in this web site and knowledge exchange. Authors, writers, editors and contributors are free to adapt these outlines where necessary while ensuring that these key points are addressed. Thank you for your cooperation and kind consideration.
Versions of these summaries will be posted and edited within this web site or linked Google documents. The different stages of development will be noted/dated and will include:
Outline for a Glossary Term (GT) Purpose: To provide a clearly stated definition that is free of jargon and easily understandable to a variety of audiences. Misconceptions or varying uses of the term should be addressed. Suggested Length: One to three paragraphs (Introductions or overviews for a set of topics may be as long as a page) Suggested Approach: provide a concise definition in one sentence, briefly describe the elements or aspects, refer to its common usage (and misconceptions/misuse) and how the concept related to other aspects of school health promotion or social development. Also provide a very brief summary of the quality of the evidence supporting its use or the experience in addressing/using the topic/concept/practice in the real world. If the Glossary Term has been adapted or is an excerpt from selected primary sources, then add those, with links, at the bottom of the summary. Outline for an Encyclopedia Entry (EE) Purpose: To provide a summary of the concept, key elements, summary paragraphs on the evidence, experience and examples, links to published case studies and list of key resources or reports Suggested Length: One to two pages Suggested Outline:
Outline for a Handbook Section (HS) Purpose: To provide a platform for an ongoing discussion of the topic. Additional pages with case studies, links to published research articles, planning guides and webinars will be added over time. Suggested Length: 10-15 pages, with sub-pages for case studies and related sub-topics The summary should include these topics:
Bibliographies/Toolboxes (BT) We have developed extensive outlines for listing the research, reports and resources on the many topics covered in this web site. We think they are useful as tools in their own right, as they provide a comprehensive and systematic way of collecting and analyzing the accumulated knowledge on most topics. Due to the length of these BT, we have published them as separate documents:
Readers, contributors and others are invited to add their own case studies or practice stories as sub-pages to the handbook sections. Use these questions as a guide to preparing those studies & stories for this web site and other purposes. |
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