This section includes topics on how health & social programs can be integrated within the core mandates, constraints and concerns of education systems. Periodically, we will post updates about this set of topics and terms on this page.
This mini-blog also serves a place where participants can comment on the summaries listed in the right hand navigation bar as well as on the general theme of integrating health, social and other programs and approaches successfully and sustainable within education systems.
You can choose to follow the updates and comments posted here by selecting the RSS feed (upper right side of this page). You can even display these updates and discussions on your own web site.
Click on the "comment" icon below to post your comment.
This mini-blog also serves a place where participants can comment on the summaries listed in the right hand navigation bar as well as on the general theme of integrating health, social and other programs and approaches successfully and sustainable within education systems.
You can choose to follow the updates and comments posted here by selecting the RSS feed (upper right side of this page). You can even display these updates and discussions on your own web site.
Click on the "comment" icon below to post your comment.